So, with this post I can proudly state that I am now a fully fledged, qualified Lifeguard! :D After a 2nd day of training last Saturday I was all prepared to combine everything I had learnt from both days, and apply such skills to the 3 tests on my final day of training. Test 1 was the Group Test, basically it was a randomly thought up scenario that would cover everything we had learnt in to one emergency rescue. Our scenario comprised of a basic conscious struggling victim rescue, leading on to an unconscious child emergency. It all went very smoothly and we pretty much aced the test :P Test 2 was a written test with 60 questions, 80% was needed to pass but the questions were so straight-forward there were no worries there. Test 3 was the CPR test on Adult, Child & Infant. I actually managed to score a perfect 100% on this test and was awarded a special badge for my efforts :)
To celebrate, I decided to go check out Hollywood Studios that same very night and watch Fantasmic! The park was pretty cool, I got through a fair chunk of it (Photos are on FB) and the show was amazing :)
Monday was my very first day at Typhoon Lagoon, I was there from 8am-6pm for a Property Orientation and for learning Emergency Action Plans (EAP's) etc...The park seemed rather large at first, but after a while it gradually shrunk, now I see it as being pretty small! The real excitement was to come though, you see, Monday was the day this beast laptop I am currently typing on arrived, oh and how I love it!! :P
Tuesday brought about my Shallow Rotation training in which I actually performed the job, just with a trainer to help me out. We visited all of the shallow guard stands, fairly easy stuff but you must always remain attentive, especially with random audits always looming. The auditors will literally drop a 'shadow figure' (VAT) on the pool bottom and you are given 10 seconds to spot it and 20 seconds to get it out of the pool, all whilst following correct procedure (Hitting the Operational Alarm [OA], Blowing your whistle etc). This is called 10/20 protection which is strongly enforced. As night rolled around I joined some Aussie friends going to a club called Mako's on the International Party Bus. I enjoyed the bus, disco lights flashing, music blaring...and the club went off, but being sober through it all was just a nightmare and therefore I have decided to not attend any more clubs haha it's too depressing because it's so good (If drinking).
On Thursday I had my Deep Rotation training with another trainer just there to help me out along the way. The deep stands have a lot more action going on and I jumped in a good 4 times for various strugglers coming out of the Storm slides, and in the Shark Reef. Thats right, the Shark Reef :) In the deep rotation there is a stand called 'Reef Float' in which I am to just float around in the reef and be there to assist any of the guests who have problems getting across. I also do the 'Reef Dispatch' stand where I have a little spiel about the masks/snorkels etc and get the guests in to the water and off in to the 10ft deep reef. Needless to say the Deep Rotation is a lot more exciting than the Shallow Rotation, but there is also a lot more responsibility that comes associated with it.
Today I checked out Epcot and managed to do everything in the entire park, which is an accomplishment as the place is HUGE! lol photos of the things I saw are on my FB. Overall, it was a fairly average park, but I did still enjoy having a good look around and just experiencing everything it had to offer (A lot of slow-motion tour like rides >.< )
Tomorrow I have another day of Deep Rotation Training before I begin for real the day after! Wish me luck haha not that I'll need it I'm sure - Highly skilled you see ;)
Anyway, that's all for this week! C ya.
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