Thursday, 30 June 2011

To all those interested in my travels :)

Alright guys so initially I wasn't intending to make a blog, a lot of my fellow future cast members have been writing them for months just leading up to the time we go away but you all know me, I am faaar too lazy haha ^_^ However, it has come to my attention that there are quite a few of you who seem to want to be kept informed regarding my Disney adventure...thus, here it is, my official blog! I shall do my best to get a new post up every Friday (So that'll be Saturday for you guys here in NZ), and perhaps when something particularly exciting goes down as well.

So, first order of business, lets get you all up to date with where I'm at right now in preparation for this amazing experience. I have got my American J-1 Visa, sorted out my Travel/Medical Insurance, paid all of the necessary fees, enrolled in a Marketing Exploration Course at Disney and am set to fly out on Monday 11th of July @ 5pm. My flight Itinerary is as follows:

  1. Wellington -> Auckland (1 Hour)
  2. Auckland -> Los Angeles (12 Hours) - [10 Hour Stopover in LA]
  3. Los Angeles -> New Jersey (5 Hours)
  4. New Jersey -> Orlando (3 Hours) - [Arrive at 10.20am EST on the 12th]
I will be flying with Continental Airlines, however flights 1 & 2 will be staffed by Air NZ.

To start off the trip, I was lucky enough to get my hands on a great deal with a few other Disney goers to experience Universal in Orlando. The package I bought includes 4 nights at a hotel on International Drive, 3-Day Park entrance to 'Islands of Adventure' (Where the 'Wizarding world of Harry Potter' is now situated) & Universal Studios, along with early access passes, free travel to and from the parks, a city boardwalk pass for the night life and breakfast on the 15th at the 'Three Broomsticks'. Also on the 15th, we now have tickets booked to go and see the final installment of Harry Potter in IMAX 3D at the Universal AMC Cinaplex @7.20pm. 

On the 16th we will be travelling down to Vista Way at Disney World where I will check in and officially start my Disney International Program! I will then be subject to a 'Traditions' class of which all cast members must attend, learning the history and culture of Disney, before commencing training to become a lifeguard for 6-Months :)

Hopefully this post was fairly informative as to what I shall be doing in 10 days, I shall plan to write a 2nd one upon arrival in the US! Sweet.

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